Variations are different options within the same listing that allows buyers to select the product based on the attributes of the item (including size, color, or other characteristics).
Buyer’s Perspective:
Follow these steps to create or edit Variations as a seller:
Step 1: Go to your store under “Products”, then tap “Add New Product or View Product to Edit an existing product”.
Step 2: Tap “Set Variations”.
Step 3: Add or Edit variations, then tap “Next Set Stock and Price”.
· Select the default choices or add your customized variation.
· The selected variation options will be highlighted with an orange box and the deselected variation will turn grey.
· To delete the variation options, click on the small cross on the top right-hand corner of the variation box.
· You may add up to 2 tiers of Variations (i.e. color & size).
· If you delete your first tier, your 2nd tier will automatically become your first/main tier.
· You may include an image for each variation in your first/main tier.
Step 4: Set the number of stocks and prices. Tap “Save”.